As for the toppings, Alex described how he wanted to recreate the typical BBQ side of potato salad for the bowl. This meant using red potatoes, pickled onions and peppers to cut through the rich tonkotsu broth, confit shiitake mushroom, and cilantro. This was a mixed bag: I thought the potatoes were great in absorbing the broth and being infused with the porky flavors, but I don’t think the use of pickled onions and peppers worked. While I understand Alex’s rationale for cutting through the fatty tonkotsu broth, the vinegary astringency of the vegetables were more distractions than contrastive complements. Perhaps it would’ve worked better if the sesame flavors were more pronounced, but some pickled (but sweet) menma would have definitely worked. If anything, I thought the cilantro did a far better job in opening new dimensions the broth, and would recommend that they be used again.